How to extend the service life of wire rope?
We cannot provide you with an exact and single answer to the question of how to extend the service life of the wire rope. However, we can explain to you a number of factors that affect the service life of wire ropes:
- The installation method of new wire rope and the specific process of putting into use.
- Operation skills and working habits of the operator.
- Self maintenance of the wire rope during its service life.

- Maintenance of the system itself during the operation of the wire rope

Operation suggestion
We have summarized a number of operational recommendations designed to help you extend the life of your wire rope. Each part of this paper expounds the methods of extending the effective service time of wire rope from different dimensions. That's why you need to know all about this article.
When installing the new wire rope, it is important to avoid twisting.
The wire rope needs to be properly unloaded from the I-wheel or reel and installed on your equipment. On a smooth drum, the first layer of wire rope must be tightly wound.
Properly activate the new wire rope
After the wire rope is installed, it should be run for a period of time without any load. Then, in order to obtain the best results, the load and speed of its operation should be controlled so that the strands and wires in the rope can adjust themselves.
Structural elongation
When initially put into use, in the process of positioning between strands and strands and between strands and rope core, the new wire rope usually extends, which is called "structural elongation". Given that this is an inherent structural characteristic of the wire rope, and the structural elongation of each wire rope is not the same. For standard wire ropes, the elongation is usually 0.25%-196 of the length of the rope. If structural elongation needs to be minimized, the wire rope needs to be pre-stretched before leaving the factory. Please give details when signing the order. Another type of elongation is elastic elongation, which is caused by the recoverable deformation of the metal itself.

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